Olho Seco e Cirurgia Implanto-Refractiva (Dry Eye and Implant-Refractive Surgery)
(webinar in Portuguese)
**no simultaneous translation**
Wednesday, 03/05/2023
1. Understanding the impact of Dry Eye on the evaluation of patients who are candidates for implanto-refractive surgery
2. Preoperative evaluation of patients with Dry Eye - decision on the surgical technique depending on the presence and severity of dry eye
3. Understand the impact of the pathology on the results after implant-refractive surgery.
1. Compreender o impacto do Olho Seco na avaliação de doentes candidatos a Cirurgia implanto-refractiva
2. Avaliação pré-operatória de doentes com Olho Seco - decisão da técnica cirúrgica em função da presença e gravidade de olho seco
3. Compreender o impacto da patologia nos resultados após cirurgia implanto-refractiva.
Moderator: Dr. João Feijão (Portugal)
Chair: Dra. Rita Flores (Portugal)
Coordinator: Dra. Helena Filipe (Portugal)
Dr. Tiago Monteiro MD, PhD, FEBO, FEBOS-CR
• Degree in Medicine from the University of Porto
• Specialty in Ophthalmology at the Ophthalmology Service of Hospital de São João - Porto
• Coordinator of the Anterior Segment Department at Hospital de Braga
• Specialist in diagnosis and treatment of anterior segment pathology - Cornea and Refractive Surgery
• Clinical Doctorate at the School of Medicine of the University of Minho
• Associate Editor of the scientific journal "Ophthalmology"
Dr. João Feijão
• Coordinator for the Implanto Refractive Surgery of Portugal Group. Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology
• Head for the Cornea and Ocular Surface Disease Department of the Center Lisbon Hospitals Center
Dra. Rita M. Flores
• President of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology
• Head of the Service of Ophthalmology of the Center Lisbon Hospitals Center

Dr. Helena Filipe MD MMEd
• Webinar Coordinator, Portuguese-language area, Campus PAAO
• PAAO Vice President, 2022-2025
• Hospital Egas Moniz, West Lisbon Hospitals Center (Portuguese NHS), Unit of Ocular Surface and Cornea
• Egas Moniz Interdisciplinary Research Center (CiiEM)
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Después del webinar en vivo, tendrá que acceder a su cuenta de CampusPAAO y registrarse en el webinar para poder ver las grabaciones. Tenga en cuenta que las inscripciones de Zoom no se transfieren a CampusPAAO. /
Após o webinar ao vivo, você precisará entrar em sua conta CampusPAAO e registrar-se para o webinar para poder ver as gravações. Observe que os registros de Zoom não são transferidos para o CampusPAAO.