TFOS workshop - A Lifestyle epidemic: Ocular surface disease (Part 2)
(webinar in English)
**no simultaneous translation**
Saturday, 29/07/2023
1- TFOS Lifestyle: Environmental Conditions ... Monica Alves
2- TFOS Lifestyle: Lifestyle Challenges ... Anat Galor
3- TFOS Lifestyle: Nutrition ... Maria Markoulli
4- TFOS Lifestyle: Societal Challenges ... Fiona Stapleton
Moderator: Prof. Monica Alves (Brazil)
Coordinator: Dra. Helena Filipe (Portugal)
Dra. Monica Alves MD PhD
• Adjunct professor of Ophthalmology in the Department of Ophthalmology University of Campinas, Brazil
• TFOS ambassador in Brazil and Vice Chair of the TFOS Lifestyle Workshop
Dr. Anat Galor MD MPSH
Dr. Galor is a cornea and uveitis trained specialist with a dual appointment at the Miami Veterans Affairs (VA) medical center and the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Dr. Galor completed an ophthalmology residency
at the Cole Eye Cleveland Clinic, a uveitis fellowship at the Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins University, and a cornea and external diseases fellowship at Bascom Palmer Eye Institute. Dr. Galor currently runs the ocular surface program at the
Miami VA and has focused her research on understanding mechanisms underlying chronic ocular surface pain, with an emphasis on studying new diagnostic and treatment modalities. She has lectured and published extensively on how nerve status may underlie
the often noted disconnect between patient reported symptoms and ocular surface findings. This includes individuals with decreased sensation and chronic epithelial abnormalities (neurotrophic phenotype) and individuals with hyper-sensitive nerves
and chronic ocular pain with minimal ocular surface abnormalities (neuropathic phenotype). Over the years, her work has been funded by the NIH, VA, and DOD and she has published and lectured widely on these topics. She has participated in several
dry eye related committees including the Tear Film and Ocular Surface Society (TFOS) Dry Eye Workshops and she is actively involved with a number of organizations including ARVO, AAO, and Ocular Microbiology and Immunology Group.
Dr. Maria Markoulli PhD, MOptom, GradCertOcTher, FBCLA, FAAO
Maria Markoulli is an Associate Professor and the Director of Learning and Teaching at the School of Optometry and Vision Science at UNSW in Sydney, Australia. She was chair of the recently published Tear Film and Ocular Surface (TFOS) society Lifestyle
report which reviewed the evidence on the impact of nutrition on the ocular surface. She was also on the pathophysiology sub-committee of the TFOS Dry Eye Workshop II, and the Contact Lens Discomfort workshop. She is deputy editor for Clinical and
Experimental Optometry and the Academic Lead of the UNSW Dry Eye Clinic.
Prof. Fiona Stapleton PhD FCOptom FTSE
Fiona is a clinical scientist with expertise in basic and translational research in the fields of contact lens related disease, corneal infection and dry eye. Her research aims to improve understanding of the epidemiology and pathophysiology of sight-threatening
ocular diseases. She served as Chair of the Societal Challenges Subcommittee, steering committee and harmonization committee member of the TFOS Lifestyle workshop; Chair of the Epidemiology Subcommittee, steering committee and harmonization committee
member of the TFOS DEWS II workshop and Chair of the Neurobiology Subcommittee, steering committee and harmonization committee member of the TFOS Contact Lens Discomfort workshop. She is the Immediate Past President of the International Society for
Contact Lens Research and has received several international awards for her research in the last 5 years. These include the American Optometric Association Don Korb award, the American Optometric Foundation Glen A Fry Award and the Australian Optometry
HB Collin Medal in 2018 and in 2019 the UK Hospital Optometrists Woodward Medal. In 2021 she delivered the Bireswar Chakrabarti Oration at ARVO-India and in 2022 delivered the Richard and Leonara Hill named lecture at Ohio State University. In 2020,
2021 and 2022, she was recognized as the top Australian researcher in the field of research of ophthalmology and optometry by the Australian Newspaper by publications and citations. She was nominated to the Australian Academy of Science, Technology
and Engineering in 2018, to Life Fellowship of the British College of Optometrists in 2019, is a Diplomate in the Cornea, Contact Lens and Refractive Technologies Section of the AAO and Fellow of the Cornea and Contact Lens Society of Australia and
British Contact Lens Association. She is an international advisor to the Asia Cornea Society Infectious Keratitis Study.

Dr. Helena Filipe MD MMEd
• Vice President, 2022-2025, Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology (PAAO)
• Coordinator, The Continuing Professional Development Program of Webinars of the PAAO
• Consultant of Ophthalmology, West Lisbon Hospitals Center, Hospital Egas Moniz, Cornea, and Ocular Surface
• Investigator, Egas Moniz Center for Interdisciplinary Research (CiiEM)
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