Pearls and Interesting Facts of EuDEC 2024 - Perlas y Cosas Interesantes del EuDEC 2024
(webinar in English & Spanish)
Monday, 13/11/2024
Durante los días 20, 21 y 22 de junio se celebró en Madrid, en el hotel Ríu Plaza de España, el Congreso de la European Dry Eye Society (EuDES) con un éxito abrumador. EuDES, con tan solo 4 años de edad, es una sociedad joven pero muy
dinámica. La sociedad tiene más de 3.000 socios y su actividad científica se lleva a cabo durante todo el año. En los previos congresos de París y Múnich la asistencia rozó los 400 participantes. Las expectativas eran tener unos 450 asistentes, sin
embargo, se tuvo 614 participantes desbordando las expectativas más positivas. Una semana antes de dar comienzo se tuvo que colgar el cartel de “no hay billetes” por motivos de aforo y seguridad, no pudiendo aceptar nuevas inscripciones. Entre los
asistentes hubo visitantes de 52 naciones diferentes. Y aunque se trata de una sociedad científica europea, el congreso tuvo una participación global. Este fabuloso éxito fue debido a un programa científico muy interesante, a la ayuda inestimable
de las casas comerciales y al atractivo de Madrid. Entre los actos más destacados del programa estuvieron las conferencias invitadas de los doctores Belmonte, Stern, Pflugfelder y Galor. Hubo sesiones hispanoamericanas, norteamericanas, asiáticas
y del norte de África y Oriente medio. Durante en congreso se ofreció un homenaje al profesor Murube del Castillo. El próximo congreso tendrá lugar en Cracovia (Polonia) los días 19, 20 y 21 de junio del 2025. Os esperamos allí.
On June 20, 21 and 22, the Congress of the European Dry Eye Society (EuDES) was held in Madrid, at the Ríu Plaza de España hotel, with overwhelming success. EuDES, at only 4 years old, is a young but very dynamic society. The society
has more than 3,000 members and its scientific activity is carried out throughout the year. At the previous congresses in Paris and Munich, attendance was close to 400 participants. The expectations were to have about 450 attendees, however, there
were 614 participants exceeding the most positive expectations. A week before the start, the “no tickets” sign had to be hung for reasons of capacity and security, and new registrations could not be accepted. Among those attending were visitors from
52 different nations. And although it is a European scientific society, the congress had global participation. This fabulous success was due to a very interesting scientific program, the invaluable help of commercial houses and the attractiveness
of Madrid. Among the most notable events of the program were the guest lectures by doctors Belmonte, Stern, Pflugfelder and Galor. There were Latin American, North American, Asian, North African and Middle Eastern sessions. During the congress, a
tribute was offered to Professor Murube del Castillo. The next congress will take place in Krakow (Poland) on June 19, 20 and 21, 2025. We are waiting for you there.
Dry Eye Disease - Patient communication and unmet needs. Controversies in Dry Eye Disease (English)
Elisabeth Messmer (Germany)
New concepts in DED, MGD from pathophysiology to new therapeutic approaches,
Proteomics, Microbiota, and latest research in OSD. Dry eye for beginners
Marc Labetoulle (France)
TFOS - Lyfe style and OSD. New devices and technologies diagnostic and therapy. Corneal nerves and sensitivity. Surgery of dry eye (Español)
José M. Benítez del Castillo (Spain)
"New trends in the diagnosis and treatment of Dry Eye Disease". Facts and fiction: dry eye myths. Is this DED: differential diagnosis and overlapping diseases. Young ophthalmologists: a sense of innovation. African – Middle East videosymposium (Español)
Francesc March de Ribot (Spain)
Coordinator/Moderator: José A. Benítez del Castillo (Spain)
PAAO Coordinator: Dr. Helena Filipe (Portugal)
Organized in conjunction with the European Dry Eye Society (EuDES)
Dr. José Benítez del Castillo (Spain)
• Catedrático de Oftalmología
• Universidad Complutense de Madrid
• Unidad de Inflamación y Superficie Ocular
Hospital Clínico San Carlos
• Clínica Rementería
• Presidente de la Sociedad Española de Oftalmología (SEO)
Presidente de la Sociedad Española de Córnea y Superficie Ocular (SESOC)
• Secretary of the European Dry Eye Society (EuDES)
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Messmer FEBO (Germany)
• Professor of Ophthalmology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany
• Executive Board of German Ophthalmological Society (DOG)
• Executive Board of German-speaking Ophthalmic Pathology Society (DOP)
• Treasurer
of the European Dry Eye Society (EuDES)
Dr. Marc Labetoulle MD PhD (France)
• Member of the Executive Board of EuDES
• General Secretary of French Society of Ophthalmology (SFO)
• Head and Chair, Ophthalmology Dpt, Bicêtre Hôpital, Paris-Saclay
University, Kremlin-Bicêtre, 94275, France
• Quinze-Vingts Hospital, Service III, 75012 Paris
• Center for Immunology of Viral, Auto-immune, Hematological and Bacterial
diseases (IMVA-HB/IDMIT). IDMIT Infrastructure, Cedex, France
• CEOPS (Care and Education in Ophthalmology Paris Saclay)
Dr. Francesc March de Ribot MD PhD (Spain)
• Universitat de Girona | UDG
• Member of the Executive Board of EuDES

Dr. Helena Filipe MD MMEd (Portugal)
• Webinar Coordinator, Portuguese-language area, Campus PAAO
• PAAO Vice President, 2022-2025
• Hospital Egas Moniz, West Lisbon Hospitals Center (Portuguese NHS), Unit of Ocular Surface and Cornea
• Egas Moniz Interdisciplinary Research Center (CiiEM)
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Después del webinar en vivo, tendrá que acceder a su cuenta de CampusPAAO y registrarse en el webinar para poder ver las grabaciones. Tenga en cuenta que las inscripciones de Zoom no se transfieren a CampusPAAO. /
Após o webinar ao vivo, você precisará entrar em sua conta CampusPAAO e registrar-se para o webinar para poder ver as gravações. Observe que os registros de Zoom não são transferidos para o CampusPAAO.